Document Type : Original Article


The mosque is an indicator of Islamic Architecture building, therefore necessary investigation, the mosque believing as true Holy, celestial in the material world and the land of the mosque contain his pure remains and ennoblement is in creased there by and it includes his mosque, by which its purity is in creased and its stations is raised by them both and it is elevated in esteem, honor and love in the heart of the Muslims. And we have taken care to present the most reliable narrations and the authentic waits. If we right, it is from Allah and a pert of His Grace and mercy and we think naught of Allah except good. The Islamic conquest of Persia in the 7th century led early Islamic architects to borrow and adopt some traditions and ways of the fallen Persian Empire. Islamic architecture thus borrows heavily from Persian architecture and in many ways can be called an extension and further evolution of Persian architecture. Many cities were based on precedents in Persia. Persian-style mosques are characterized by their tapered brick pillars, large arcades and arches each supported by several pillars. In Asia, elements of architecture were employed, but were later superseded by Persian designs.
