Document Type : Original Article


This article considers the relationship between ethics and theology in Levine’s thought. According to Levinas, the concept of “Same” and “Other” in his philosophy serves as a basis of theology or metaphysics. In a non-ontological interpretation, he considers God as “absolute Other” and then considers the human subjectivity and infinite idea as foundation of ethics, hence he inserts theology into ethics. For him, theology should be pursuit divine direction though faces to face relation not ontological relation between God and human. Levinas holds that the subject has ethical foundation. Levinas maintains that western philosophy often was ontology and therefore it reduced the “Other” or “Alterity” to “Same” and this reduction has ethical meaning. So, the mistake of western philosophy, according to him, is establishing metaphysics upon ontology instead on social ethics. Contrary to traditional ethics within same is important, Levinas’s ethics is based on the other. New humanism of Levinas emerged from this nontraditional attitude to ethics. God who Levinas speaks of is nither ontological nor immanent, rather is an infinit and “external” God. He employs husserlian phenomenological method for analyzing the relationship between ethics and theology. This article tries to explain the essence of ethics and theology in order to show the unity between them.
