Document Type : Original Article


The existing manuscripts in Iran's libraries are regarded as an indispensible cultural heritage. This old heritage has been preserved across the ages, thanks to devotion and endless efforts of many scholars. The Manuscripts Section of Shahid Motahhari Supreme School includes four thousand, one hundred and eighty three books and pamphlets in various fields. Among these, dozens of scripts and pamphlets in Ethics seem to be of considerable significance. In this regard, a thorough analysis and presentation of the characteristic features of these manuscripts seems imperative. In this article, the key information regarding the Ethics Collection of this library, including the Title, Author, Scripter, the language, the year of composition, the year of scripting, the page numbers, and the catalogue number are given in an alphabetical order. Moreover, other manuscripts in the field as existing in other collections in the country are also included. I hope such information will assist researchers in editing, surveying, and carrying out fundamental research work needed in order to preserve and highlight the cultural legacy of Iranian history.
