Document Type : Original Article


University of Tehran


Al-Ḥikmah al-mutaʻālīyah fī al-asfār al-arbaʻah is MullaSadra's first compilation. This book is his most significant book in terms of transcendent wisdom and its theoretical clarification. The book is very comprehensive as MullaSadra has emended its various sections until the final days of his life, having added his newest findings to it. The al-Ḥikmah al-mutaʻālīyah, like other books, has been studied in terms of both methodology and content. The current research is studying the third recognition of this book and recognition pattern of writing, first trying to prove a prior pattern in its writing and next, making clear the particular scope of the book. The result of this research, which has been obtained from a comparison between analysis written structure and MullaSadra’s sources of writing the four intellectual journeys, is proving prior and precise pattern in writing and afterwards making clear this pattern in three different well-organized steps.
