Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member

2 Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran. Iran

3 Faculty of Theology and Religions. Shahid Beheshti University. Iran. Tehran.


The present study uses an analytical-descriptive method to explain the relationship between philosophy and religion in Boethius’ Christology. For this purpose, three things are done in The Theological Treatises as a representative of Boethius’ theological views: 1. Determining and explaining the theological problem that Boethius sought to answer in Christology. 2. Explaining components such as rational explanation of “Trinity” with the help of the category of relation, precise definition of “person” and “nature” in the issue of “Trinity”, emphasizing on the distinction between nature and the person and showing weakness of the views of Euthychius and Nestorius. 3. Boethius’ final answer to this theological question. In The Consolation of Philosophy as the representative of Boethius’ philosophy, we seek to examine two issues; 1. Does this treatise, as some have claimed, lack any Christian symbolism or teaching? 2. Does Boethius explicitly question Christian teachings in this treatise, or does he not merely explicitly refer to Christianity? The study of these cases led to the conclusion that in The Theological Treatises, Boethius seeks a rational explanation that the Trinity is not a triune deity but a monotheism. He considers the common denominator in the three divine persons, that is, the category of substance, as the cause of the unity of the Trinity and the distinction between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as the category of relation, which, of course, does not change the substance. He, who saw in The Theological Treatises the Christian faith with a rational explanation in agreement with reason, saw no need for a direct reference to Christian teachings in The Consolation of Philosophy; he seeks the salvation of reason, and this has no conflict with his Christian faith. He first understands faith through The Theological Treatises, and then comes to the salvation of faith through The Consolation of Philosophy. Thus the Consolation of Philosophy can be considered the complement of his The Theological Treatises and Christian faith.


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