Document Type : Original Article


1 department of islamic educatoin

2 student ofPHD unevrsity of ghzven


Eckhart believed that the most important way to become divine, Dependency is,
and poverty is the best way to achieve that. Eckhart defines three components of poverty that are: no want - no know and no having any. What is meant by the first component is the suffering of all creatures, even of self When man can accomplish nothing he wants, he reaches the joint with God For when he removes himself from the unrighteous, he comes to God What is meant by the second component is the liberation and freedom of the mind from all conceptions With this realization, man entered the realm of ignorance In it he only finds God and will receive him With the third component, man reaches nothingness and nothing remains of his people's identity Then it will be united with God. By accepting poverty, man attains the status of dependency, which is the becoming of God. This can be achieved after the evaluation That the two components - neither wanting nor having any - is incompatible with the teachings of Christianity and the Church system. And despite some differences, there is a common ground between the teachings of Islam and the views of Eckhart.


Main Subjects

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