Document Type : Original Article


Hegel has frequently used the Absolute and its synonyms such as absolute spirit and absolute idea and refers to them as the foundation of the unity of being and knowledge or concept and reality. But there are two main approaches in interpretation of absolute: Is absolute a metaphysical entity that describes the structure of reality (metaphysical interpretation) or refers to absolute spontaneity of the subject (non-metaphysical interpretation). By reviewing the formation of separation of being and knowledge (skepticism) in the modern age and the dichotomy of knowledge and thing in itself, this paper shows the conception of each interpretive approach about the reception of Hegel’s from Kant Philosophy. After careful examination of Hegel's criticism of Kant's philosophy, it is shown that Hegel's absolute is the foundation for explaining the objective reality. So without accepting the metaphysical interpretation, Hegel explanation will be unsuccessful.


Main Subjects

منابع اوّلی
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