Document Type : Original Article




The doctrine of pure existence is one of the initiatives of Islamic philosophy, which has a significant place in the history of philosophy, especially Transcendental wisdom. Transcendental philosophers have proved the essential unity of true and real unity by applying it on the preliminary stages. Finally, they deal with the unity of being individual. On the contrary, some scholars have contrasted pure existence doctrine with unity of being individual. With superficial and hasty interpretations of expressions, this contradiction is shown in the Aqa Ali Modarres’ viewpoint. Transcendental philosophers believe that those who accept the unity of being Individual have considered God non-conditioned and as the source of division. But sages, including Aqa Ali Modarres, can never accept the unity of being Individual, because they consider God almighty to be pure existence, which is conditionally negatively-conditioned existence and one of the types of non-conditioned as the source of division. The Comparison of this claim with the statements of Aqa Ali Modarres has shown its inconsistency with his views and reveals the alignment of the stages of existence with the theory of unity of being Individual.


Main Subjects

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