Document Type : Original Article


In this paper, Richard Swinburne considers the relationship between God and Morality. The chief question is that whether or not actions can be morally understood as good or bad, being independent from God’s commands. Swinburne maintains that humans have grown in their understanding of which kinds of actions are morally obligatory or wrong, or any other kinds  of action independently. He argues that the existence and actions of God make no difference to the fact that there are necessary moral truths, but that they make a great difference to what those moral truths are. However, the existence and actions of God can make a great difference to what are the contingent truths. In virtue of the necessary truth that people are obliged to obey benefactors of a certain kind, and a contingent non-moral truth that a benefactor of that kind. So, God has reasons to command us to do various acts, and his command to do them would impose on us an obligation to do them.
