Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Medicine,University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah ,Iran

2 Departmeeent of Islamic Sciences, School of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran


Leibniz's concern in preaching and proposing the theory of the best possible world was to defend the absolute divine attributes against evil suspicion. In his view, given the absolute divine attributes, the present possible world, which is a requirement of God's attributes, must be the best possible universe. The rejection of his theory by skeptics and atheists is not probable and far from expected due to the rejection of the principle of God's existence. But in terms of Crusius' theism, his critique of Leibniz's theology based on the defense of divine freedom and authority offers a novel and different theology. One of the advantages of Crusius 's view is the similarity and similarity of his view with the theory of the good system of Islamic philosophers, but also the ability to justify the evil in the world by considering the actual world "very good" and not "best". He is based on the principle of sufficient Reason and the conditional necessity arising from it in the free actions of God and the ease of understanding his view on the subject of authority and freedom for the masses. On the other hand, not paying attention to the implications of the attribute of divine wisdom and its effect on strengthening, directing and limiting God's free will in the creation of beings is one of the disadvantages of his view. The novelty of the present paper is to explain the novel view of Crusius, its advantages and disadvantages.


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