Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated from P.hd in Moral Philosophy in Qom University

2 Qom University


The necessary relationship between the cause and the effect is accepted in the tradition of Islamic philosophy. In the meantime, the application of this principle and its entry into the human world causes the confrontation of causal necessity with freedom of will. Some see the freedom of the will, which is the ability to choose, in conflict with causal necessity and consider the necessity to be synonymous with predestination. on the other hand, philosophers have not accepted this claim. In this article, an attempt is made to examine Allameh Tabatabai's answers to this problem. His first solution is to explain the contingency of will in relation to human beings and its necessity in relation to the Sufficient cause; His other solution is to turn the opposition of free will and determinism into the opposition of free will and necessity, In this case, the conflict between necessity and freedom of will is resolved, and finally, by applying the theory of Itibariyat and Itebari necessity, they show freedom of will while adhering to causal necessity.


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