Document Type : Original Article


1 student

2 Professor of Philosophy and Faculty Member of Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Al-Mustafa International University


"External or subjective propositions and adjectives" is a well-known criterion for dividing rationalities into "logical primary and secondary and philosophical secondary". In addition to the lack of semantic clarity, this criterion implies a two-way meaning, that is, it relies on "object-object" or "adjective-object", while in the concept of "reasonable" and especially "reasonable" there is no such two-sidedness. . The division of intellects into the first and the second has another more ancient criterion, this criterion is the precedence and lag in reason. In this criterion, the first rationals refer to the essential concepts and the external attachment, and the second rationals refer to the logical concepts and the mental attachment, but the philosophical concepts do not have a specific place in this category. Sheikh Ishraq, by considering philosophical concepts mentally, put them under a rational second.Others after him objected to the mere mental enumeration of philosophical rationalities, but the thinking of the originalism caused them to be placed in a purgatory of externality and mentality (= mental propositions and external aspirations), and to deviate from the old criterion. Mulla Sadra ruled out mental propositions and external aspirations, and proved the foreignness of philosophical concepts. Of course, according to the various meanings of "existence", its position in the first and second senses will be different. Existence does not mean "truth of existence". But since externality is equivalent to existence and the "general and abstract concept of existence" cannot be considered the same as external existence,


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