Document Type : Original Article


Hawza wa Daneshgah Research Institute


According to the most popular interpretation of natural law, it is constant and enduring commands of practical reason regarding free human behaviours by which humans arrive at happiness in all times and places.

Following the domination of empiricism thinking (positivism) on rationalism in the 19th century, natural law discussions were slackened and natural law was forgotten gradually. After more than a century, the study of natural law was again pursued with more endeavor in postmodern period in the 20th century and the inclination to new attitudes about this teaching was revived in three stages.

The main question of this article is: "what are western natural law theories in its first revival sage in postmodern period and what are their deficiencies?" To answer to the question in three chapters, this paper criticizes various theories of natural law in its first stage of revival in the 20th century. After explicating postmodern non-Catholic theories in the first chapter, their deficiencies will be mentioned. The second chapter will analyze Catholic theories in the period and will explain their defects. The last chapter also indicates common deficiencies of all postmodern natural law theories in the first period of its revival.

Research method in this paper is a component of traditional, rational and critical methods.


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