Document Type : Original Article


Tabriz University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology


After accepting the realization of the three philosophical journeys (that is, the originality of essence, the originality of the existence of gradation oneness, and the originality of the existence of personal oneness) in Transcendent Wisdom, It can be shown for various arguments that the subject of “precession and recency” has followed the requirements of the three journeys that we mentioned above. The precession and recency of bẽl-tậjawḣour (= in essence) is proportional to the first journey, the precession and recency of bẽl-ḣaqqiqậ (= in reality) is proportional to the second journey, and the precession and recency of bẽl-ḣaqq (= in veritable) is proportional to the third journey. Especially if we consider the issue of causality as the main indicator of the evolution in the mentioned journeys, due to the difference in the interpretation of causality based on three journeys, precession and recency based on the relationship of causality (such as in nature, in causer and in essence), finally, they have been proposed on the basis of the originality of essence, and as a result, they have not found a place to be proposed in the originality of the existence of gradation oneness, and they have somehow been replaced by the precession in reality, that is, the specific precession of the second journey.


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