Document Type : Original Article


1 payame noor university

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Ethics and Theology, Payame Noor University, South Tehran Branch


“The problem of systemic evil” is a self-made concept belongs to Yujin Nagasawa. He unveiled in his article “The Problem of Evil for Atheists”. The main claim of the article is that evil is not limited to natural disasters and human catastrophes, even "the universe is based on evil" basically. He uses the famous example of Charles Darwin for his purpose, which is Ichneumonidae . The existence of this mosquito is a sign of excessive and gratuitous evil in the natural world and a clear evidence of the existence systemic evil in the universe,

In this article, while explaining and analyzing his purpose of the " The problem of systemic evil ", we evaluate its contents by the content analysis method. In this regard, while taking advantage of the latest findings of the cognitive science and relying on Nigel's "explanatory gap principle", we seek to prove logically that basically we can have no understanding of the suffering of hosts of Ichneumonidae mosquito because pain understand by the mind ultimately, and since the mind is embodied, and the bodies are different, so there is no way for us to understand the pain of the victims of the Ichneumonidae mosquito, denial of benevolence to actions of God is not reasonable. In contrast, pastoral theology is introduced as a suitable alternative to confirm the incomprehensibility of pain, to be able to empathize with the suffering person based on the teachings of this type of theology.


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